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Creative Work


Litro Magazine

'White Deer'

First place winner of The Art of Reflection Competition 2022

I was ten when my father first spoke of the deer. He sat at the dining room table, a cup of hot coffee out in front of him, steam floating under his chin. It was autumn, the morning air was cold, the house drafty with the scent of dead leaves. My father’s eyes, a royal blue, were glowing as he talked about the deer. I watched hunched over my oatmeal, the smell of maple all around me, brown sugar coated the back of my throat.


For the full essay, click here.


Recovery Diaries

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'PTSD: The Unlikely Disease that Brought my Father and I Together'


If I’m crazy, then so was my father.


Growing up, I was always told I was a lot like him. It was true, I had inherited many of his traits: stubborn independence, obsessive drive, and effortless concealment of anxiety. I was close with my mom and sister, but everyone knew I was daddy’s little girl. I’d keep him company in the garage as he’d saw precious woods into various shapes and sizes, and I’d pile the sawdust into small mounds, pretending it was food for make-believe customers. We’d repeatedly watched Lady and the Tramp on VHS, my father always imitating the whistling beaver. I’d laugh every time he said the word “ttthhh-ycamore” between his teeth. He showed me how to ride a bike without training wheels when I was small, then later taught me to drive a car at age sixteen, my white knuckles clenched the steering wheel as tightly as they once did around the handlebars.


For the full essay, click here.


Feature Articles


Day Trip: Daniel Singer, Filthy Mixers & Garnishes​


A proper cocktail deserves an equally excellent garnish. That’s where Filthy Mixers & Garnishes come in. After growing tired of seeing dessert cherries served in cocktails, founder Daniel Singer sought to offer high-quality and origin-sourced garnishes to give bar patrons a better drinking experience. â€‹


For full article, click here


What Is Soju, and Why Is It Becoming More Popular?


The traditional Korean drink is finally getting the attention it deserves in the United States, particularly among a younger generation of drinkers.​​


For full review, click here.


Whisky Advocate

Jean-Charles Boisset's Napa Spirits Adventure


Napa isn’t typically known for its spirits, but Jean-Charles Boisset French vintner and proprietor of the Boisset Collection, which operates 28 wineries in France, California, and Canada, wants to change that. 

For full article, click here

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